
Tips to Reduce Email Bounce Rates

Email Bounce
Written by Emma Rhys

If your Email campaigns are struggling to keep subscribers, there are a few things you can do to reduce your Email bounce rate. For one, never spam. Keep your list clean and updated regularly. Second, don’t write spammy subject lines and content. Finally, write for your audience. These nine tips will make a huge difference in your email marketing campaign. Read on for more information! To improve your email bounce rate, take action now!

Email: Never spam

You can reduce your Email bounce rate by using a double opt-in strategy. This strategy involves sending a confirmation Email Bounce to your lead once they’ve subscribed to your list. In addition, you should honor unsubscribe requests to avoid spam filters flagging your account. You can also use email automation software to remove unsubscribe requests automatically. But you should be aware of the consequences of this strategy. It may cost you money, but it’s worth it if you can keep your email bounce rate at a desirable level.

A bounce rate of 2% or below is acceptable, but anything over that is a problem. While soft bounces are easily fixed, hard bounces can damage your reputation. Your Email Bounce will likely land in the spam folder, which can lower your engagement and conversion rates. To minimize bounce rates, you should ensure that your list is clean and has non-bouncing email addresses. Make sure to update your list often. Always use authentication to send your emails to reduce your email bounce rates.

Email: Clean and update your lists regularly  

The first step to reducing email bounce rates is to keep your list fresh and active. Stale email lists should be cleaned regularly to ensure you’re only emailing people who’ve engaged with your content. If you’ve sent emails to people that they haven’t opened in months, consider removing them from your list. Modern marketing tools are designed to automatically remove bounced emails. Another important factor in keeping bounce rates low is to get permission from your subscribers. This is a legal requirement in some jurisdictions.

Email engagement is measured through click-through and open rates, so cleaning and updating your list regularly is crucial to avoiding low open and click-through rates. You should be able to track this by running an A/B test and evaluating the reasons why your list is performing poorly. When email engagement drops, your revenue suffers and so should your email list. Therefore, cleaning and updating your list is an essential part of email marketing.

Avoid spam-like content and subject lines

One way to lower email bounce rates is to avoid sending emails with content that looks like spam. This can happen with both your subject line and content. Spam filters have become more sophisticated over the years, and these words can make your email appear spammy. If you have not opted in, recipients might mark your email as spam and you will never get any response from them. It is important to remember that people opt-in to your list, so they should be happy to receive emails from you.

It’s also important to avoid using exclamation points and other gaudy language in your email. These words are highly likely to trigger spam filters. According to statistics, up to 70 percent of email recipients will report an email as spam based on the subject line alone. Instead, let your content do the talking. Don’t use weak words and exclamation points, and make it easy for your readers to tell if your content is too personal or too gaudy.

Write to your audience

There are a few ways to reduce email bounce rates. First, you should always send your emails at a consistent timeframe. Sending late emails might confuse your subscribers and result in them labeling your emails as spam. A consistent schedule will also help you determine which emails perform better. If your emails bounce, you may need to test them again. Otherwise, you may be doing yourself a disservice. Follow these nine tips to reduce email bounce rates.

Secondly, write for your subscribers. Make sure that the subject line and the email content are relevant to their needs. Include pictures and other visual content in your emails. Try writing to your readers, rather than to a general audience. If possible, include a link to your website within the email. And remember: the email content should be compelling enough to keep your subscribers interested. A well-written email will draw the attention of your readers.

Don’t use free sender domains

There are many different ways to reduce email bounce rates. First, you should understand what a bounce is. The bounce rate is the number of email messages returned as undeliverable by email service providers. Hard bounces are the worst; they indicate that the email address is invalid. If you do not know the exact reason for a bounce, you can use a tool to find out what causes it.

Second, you must understand why people are prone to unsubscribe. Many people update their email address frequently. Hence, sending 30 emails in a week or two will make your email address bounce more often. The audience will not remember your brand name and may report it as spam. Therefore, you should try to contact your audience regularly. Use preferences center links to encourage subscribers to update their email addresses. In addition, it is a good idea to include a link to their preference center.

Third, if you use free sender domains, make sure that your email messages are authenticated before they are delivered. This can be done through DMARC or SPF. You can also use custom domains for email messages. Free sender domains are not authenticated and will result in flagging, which will increase bounce rates. So, when sending emails from your company, you should ensure that your recipient has given you their permission first. The first three-quarters of email users mark your email as spam.

Authenticate your domain names

Authenticate your domain names to reduce email spam and bounce rates is essential for your email marketing campaigns. It helps prevent spam and phishing attacks by preventing the use of spoofed domain names and improves sender reputation and email deliverability rates. In addition, this practice helps your subscribers identify your brand more easily by adding a logo to every outbound email, which lowers the chances of an email being rejected.

Authentication is easy to setup and configure. Be sure that you have the correct DNS records in place, especially if you’ve changed DNS providers recently. If you don’t, your emails may be delivered as spam to recipients. However, you don’t have to change your DNS provider to authenticate your domain names. You can also use DMARC to authenticate your domain names to reduce email bounce rates.

In Mailchimp, to authenticate your domain names, you must first log into your account. Click the “Web” button on the dashboard. From there, navigate to Domains > Add & Verify Domain. Enter your domain email address and click the “Send Verification Email” button. Next, you need to add your DKIM and SPF DNS records. If you’re using a free account, Kinsta has a plan that will save you $200 per month.

Remove all hard bounces from your lists

Soft bounces are temporary failures resulting from a typo or a large email. These are generally less problematic because the email was only temporarily delayed. If the email address was valid, the contact does not need to be removed from the subscriber list. On the other hand, if the address is invalid, the contact may need to be removed. To prevent this, export the contact’s email address to a suppression list.

Email services like Campaign Monitor let you check your email bounce rate by campaign, date range, transaction, or subscriber activity. If your bounce rate is too high, it will hurt your deliverability, sender reputation, and might even lead to your IP being blacklisted. To prevent this problem, ensure that your subscriber list is up-to-date and that all subscribers have agreed to receive your emails.

Inactive email addresses are also another reason why your emails fail to reach your recipients. Inactive email addresses might be using the same email client as inactive users. For instance, Gmail may redirect the email to the spam folder. Ensure that you have removed all inactive email addresses from your email lists to reduce email bounce rates. And don’t forget to remove all the invalid emails from your list.

Validate and verify your email addresses

A valid email address is essential for your marketing and customer communication efforts. An email address needs to be valid, error-free, and exist in your database. Sometimes people make typos or misspellings when they enter their email address. Uncorrected, these errors can lead to lost contact and a bad email deliverability score. By validating and verifying email addresses, you can reduce your email bounce rates and increase the overall quality of your marketing and customer communication efforts.Joinpd| How to Join Pear Deck

The average email address becomes invalid once a year. This is due to external factors, the most common of which is changing jobs or corporate email addresses. Unverified email addresses can have a hard bounce rate tenfold above the acceptable rate within a year. Email senders can hurt their reputation by sending emails without validating their addresses. Verifying email addresses at least once every two months can reduce bounce rates and increase deliverability.

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About the author

Emma Rhys

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